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Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: PUMA IV. No tight relation between cold molecular outflow rates and AGN luminosities

By I. Lamperti and others
We study molecular outflows in a sample of 25 nearby (z< 0.17, d<750 Mpc) ULIRG systems (38 individual nuclei) as part of the "Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA" (PUMA) survey, using ~400 pc (0.1-1.0" beam FWHM) resolution ALMA CO(2-1) observations. We used a spectro-astrometry analysis to identify high-velocity... Show more
March 18, 2023
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Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: PUMA IV. No tight relation between cold molecular outflow rates and AGN luminosities
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