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Observation of the bands with d_{xy} orbital character near the Fermi level in NdFeAs_{1-x}P_{x}O_{0.9}F_{0.1} using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

By Zi How Tin and others
We studied the band structure of NdFeAs_{1-x}P_{x}O_{0.9}F_{0.1} (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements. Two of the hole bands, {\alpha}_1 (d_{xz}) and {\alpha}_3 (d_{z^2}), were observed at the Brillouin zone center in the P-polarized light configuration, while the other two hole bands, {\alpha}_2 (d_{yz})... Show more
May 3, 2022
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Observation of the bands with $d_{xy}$ orbital character near the Fermi level in NdFeAs$_{1-x}$P$_{x}$O$_{0.9}$F$_{0.1}$ using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
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