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Metabolite profiling and cytotoxic activity of Andean potatoes: polyamines and glycoalkaloids as potential anticancer agents in human neuroblastoma cells in vitro

By M. Lanteri and others
Andean potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L. ssp. andigena) are a good source of dietary antioxidant polyphenols. We have previously demonstrated that polyphenol extracts from Andean potato tubers exerted a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells, being skin extracts more potent than flesh ones. In order to gain insight into... Show more
March 24, 2023
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Metabolite profiling and cytotoxic activity of Andean potatoes: polyamines and glycoalkaloids as potential anticancer agents in human neuroblastoma cells in vitro
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