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Masses of neutron-rich ^{\operatorname{52-54}}Sc and ^{54,56}Ti nuclides: The N=32 subshell closure in scandium

By Xingyin Xu and others
Isochronous mass spectrometry has been applied in the storage ring CSRe to measure the masses of the neutron-rich ^{\operatorname{52-54}}Sc and ^{54,56}Ti nuclei. The new mass excess values ME(^{52}Sc) = -40525(65) keV, ME(^{53}Sc) = -38910(80) keV, and ME(^{54}Sc) = -34485(360) keV, deviate from the Atomic Mass Evaluation 2012 by 2.3\sigma, 2.8\sigma,... Show more
May 29, 2019
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Masses of neutron-rich $^{\operatorname{52-54}}$Sc and $^{54,56}$Ti nuclides: The $N=32$ subshell closure in scandium
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