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GADL1 is a multifunctional decarboxylase with tissue specific roles in β-alanine and carnosine production

By E. Mahootchi and others at
LogoUniversity of Bergen
Carnosine and related {beta}-alanine-containing peptides are believed to be important antioxidants, pH-buffers and neuromodulators. However, their biosynthetic routes and therapeutic potential are still being debated. This study describes the first animal model lacking the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase-like 1 (GADL1). We show that Gadl1-/-mice are deficient in {beta}-alanine, carnosine and... Show more
July 17, 2020
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GADL1 is a multifunctional decarboxylase with tissue specific roles in β-alanine and carnosine production
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