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Early results from GLASS-JWST. VII: evidence for lensed, gravitationally bound proto-globular clusters at z=4 in the Hubble Frontier Field A2744

By Eros Vanzella and others
We investigate the blue and optical rest-frame sizes (lambda~2300A-4000A) of three compact star-forming regions in a galaxy at z=4 strongly lensed (x30, x45, x100) by the Hubble Frontier Field galaxy cluster A2744 using GLASS-ERS JWST/NIRISS imaging at 1.15um, 1.50mu and 2.0mu with PSF < 0.1". In particular, the Balmer break... Show more
July 31, 2022
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Early results from GLASS-JWST. VII: evidence for lensed, gravitationally bound proto-globular clusters at z=4 in the Hubble Frontier Field A2744
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