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Does the Fundamental Metallicity Relation Evolve with Redshift? I: The Correlation Between Offsets from the Mass-Metallicity Relation and Star Formation Rate

By Alex Garcia and others at
LogoUniversity of Virginia
LogoUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville
The scatter about the mass-metallicity relation (MZR) has a correlation with the star formation rate (SFR) of galaxies. The lack of evidence of evolution in correlated scatter at z\lesssim2.5 leads many to refer to the relationship between mass, metallicity, and SFR as the Fundamental Metallicity Relation (FMR). Yet, recent high-redshift... Show more
May 10, 2024
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Does the Fundamental Metallicity Relation Evolve with Redshift? I: The Correlation Between Offsets from the Mass-Metallicity Relation and Star Formation Rate
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