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Discovery Potential of New Boson W_1^{\pm} in the Minimal Higgsless Model at LHC

By Jian-Guo Bian and others
In this paper, we demonstrate the LHC discovery potential of new charged vector boson W_1^{\pm} predicted by the Minimal Higgsless model in the process pp\to W_1^{\pm}qq^{\prime}\to W^{\pm}Z^0qq^\prime\to \ell^{\pm}\ell^+\ell^-\nu qq^{\prime}(\ell=e,\mu) by analyzing the generator level events of the signal and backgrounds. The generator for the signal pp \to {W_1}^{\pm}qq^\prime\to W^{\pm}Z^0qq^\prime at... Show more
May 18, 2009
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Discovery Potential of New Boson $W_1^{\pm}$ in the Minimal Higgsless Model at LHC
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