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Cranial anatomy of the predatory actinopterygian Brazilichthys macrognathus from the Permian (Cisuralian) Pedra de Fogo Formation, Parnaiba Basin, Brazil

By R. Figueroa and others at
LogoUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
ABSTRACTBrazilichthys macrognathus is the only named actinopterygian from the Permain (Cisuralian) Pedra de Fogo Formation of northeastern Brazil, where it is represented by a single three-dimensionally preserved but incompletely described skull of unclear systematic placement. We used X-ray computed microtomography (μ-CT) to better document its anatomy and phylogenetic affinities. μ-CT... Show more
August 23, 2019
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Cranial anatomy of the predatory actinopterygian Brazilichthys macrognathus from the Permian (Cisuralian) Pedra de Fogo Formation, Parnaiba Basin, Brazil
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