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Constraints on Quenching of z\lesssim2 Massive Galaxies from the Evolution of the average Sizes of Star-Forming and Quenched Populations in COSMOS

By A. Faisst and others
We use >9400 \log(m/M_{\odot})>10 quiescent and star-forming galaxies at z\lesssim2 in COSMOS/UltraVISTA to study the average size evolution of these systems, with focus on the rare, ultra-massive population at \log(m/M_{\odot})>11.4. The large 2-square degree survey area delivers a sample of \sim400 such ultra-massive systems. Accurate sizes are derived using a... Show more
March 27, 2017
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Constraints on Quenching of $z\lesssim2$ Massive Galaxies from the Evolution of the average Sizes of Star-Forming and Quenched Populations in COSMOS
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