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A transferable IncC-IncX3 hybrid plasmid co-carrying blaNDM-4, tet(X4), and tmexCD3-toprJ3 confers resistance to carbapenem and tigecycline

By Akira Hirabayashi and others at
LogoNational Institute of Infectious Diseases
Tigecycline is a last-resort antimicrobial that exhibits promising activity against carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE). However, mobile tigecycline resistance genes, tet(X) and tmexCD-toprJ, have emerged in China and have spread possibly worldwide. Tet(X) family proteins, Tet(X3) to Tet(X14), function as tigecycline-inactivating enzymes, and TMexCD-TOprJ complexes function as efflux pumps for tigecycline. Here,... Show more
August 4, 2021
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A transferable IncC-IncX3 hybrid plasmid co-carrying blaNDM-4, tet(X4), and tmexCD3-toprJ3 confers resistance to carbapenem and tigecycline
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