Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces. Let $C$ be a path-connected closed set of $X\times Y$. Suppose that $C$ is locally direct product, that is, for any $(a,b)\in X\times Y$, there exist an open set $U$ of $X$, an open set $V$ of $Y$, a subset $I$ of $U$ and a subset $J$ of $V$ such that $(a,b) \in U\times V$ and $$C\cap (U\times V)=I\times J$$ hold. Then, in this memo, we show that $C$ is globally so, that is, there exist a subset $A$ of $X$ and a subset $B$ of $Y$ such that $$C=A\times B$$ holds. The proof is elementary. Here, we note that one might be able to think of a (perhaps, open) similar problem for a fiber product of locally trivial fiber spaces, not just for a direct product of topological spaces. In Appendix, we introduce the concept of topological 2-space, which is locally the direct product of topological spaces and an analog of homotopy category for topological 2-space.