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A hyper luminous starburst at z=4.72 magnified by a lensing galaxy pair at z=1.48

By Laure Ciesla and others
[Abridged] We discovered in the Herschel Reference Survey an extremely bright IR source with S_{500}~120mJy (Red Virgo 4 - RV4). Based on IRAM/EMIR and IRAM/NOEMA detections of the CO(5-4), CO(4-3), and [CI] lines, RV4 is located at z=4.724, yielding a total observed L_{IR} of 1.1+/-0.6x0^{14}L_{\odot}. At the position of the... Show more
January 10, 2020
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A hyper luminous starburst at z=4.72 magnified by a lensing galaxy pair at z=1.48
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